The First Turning Point: A Revelation of God’s Love

Do you know that you are chosen?
Do you know that you are unfathomably loved?
Do you know that before you ever lived God wrote a book about your life: the things you would do, the people you would touch, and the way you would serve Him? (Psalm 139:16)
Do you know He is aware of your every thought and has counted every hair upon your head? (Luke 12:7) Most of all, do you know that there’s NOTHING you could do to change any of this from being true?

Imagine that you created something so incredibly beautiful, so remarkably perfect. You saw no flaw in it, and you loved it more intensely than anything else in the whole world. Imagine planning out an intricate purpose for this creation before it ever came to life and watching it intimately every second of every day. Now imagine this creation turning against itself, hurting itself, starving itself, and numbing itself with substances. Worst of all, imagine it running away from you because it believes you hate them for it.
Would you truly hate them? Would you easily disregard them and punish them? Would you leave them in their sufferings and simply move on?
My answer would be, “of course not!” I would be heartbroken that my creation was unaware of its beauty and worth, and my human love is nowhere near comparable to the perfect love of Yahweh. This is exactly how it is to God when one of His children falls into eating disorders, addiction, and self-hatred. Don’t get me wrong… God hates sin and the cycles that keep us there… but He DOES NOT hate us!! He is crying out for us, desperate for us to see ourselves as He does… longing for us to walk out our true purpose, hand and hand with Him.

God never hated me for all the times I hated myself, for all the times I got trapped in a cycle, or all the times I had to repent again and again. He hated this plague of Bulimia and addiction because it was sucking the life out of his precious creation and turning me off the path of the life He had intended for me.

This revelation was a turning point for me in my journey. It was the first time I realized I didn’t have to hide away from God in my brokenness… Shame is a LIAR! It was keeping me from the only one that could truly heal me.
Don’t run from God, run to Him in your mess! The only one who can weave you back into wholeness is the one who created you in the first place! You don’t need to “fix yourself” to come before Him, He wants you now, any way that He can get you and just as you are.
You are already chosen.
You will always be unfathomably loved.
Seek your creator today.

6 thoughts on “The First Turning Point: A Revelation of God’s Love”

  1. Knowing who we are created to be is everything! Created to be loved and to love in return. Great reflection Chantal ❤️

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