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Good Friday. Thank You, Jesus.
The Word of God, The Redeemer of flesh,The Suffering Servant.Immanuel, God with us.  What kind of God are you that you would be spit on, beaten, and hung up to die by your own creation? What kind of God...
A Creative Writing Piece: The Pruner
I tend,I water,I pluck.What was once alive is withering,What was once young has aged.What formerly provided beauty is draining energy. And so I must remove it,I have to let it go. A leaf I used to...
The Shift to Authenticity in Prayer
“God, help me. I want to overcome this.”“God, please end this cycle. I’m so tired. I don’t want to do this anymore.”“God, help me love myself.” These are prayers that had broken through my trembling lips...
The First Turning Point: A Revelation of God's Love
Do you know that you are chosen?Do you know that you are unfathomably loved?Do you know that before you ever lived God wrote a book about your life: the things you would do, the people you would touch,...
My story: part 2
The word “addiction” can bring many things to mind. For most, it’s drugs and alcohol that come up first. For some, it’s pornography. For others, it’s social media and streaming sites. It can even be food. ...