A Creative Writing Piece: The Pruner

I tend,
I water,
I pluck.
What was once alive is withering,
What was once young has aged.
What formerly provided beauty is draining energy.

And so I must remove it,
I have to let it go. 
A leaf I used to excite over, 
one that was first to burst forth,
must be replaced by something unfamiliar.
Something better.
Something completely original: a brand-new stalk of growth. 

Do I throw away the old pieces? 
Do I disregard them as debris?

No. They stay beneath to fertilize the soil:
A foundation of new built upon the old, 
forever woven into the DNA.

And so my Father in heaven does the same for me.
He prunes,
He cares,
He gently waters me in the rains of His love.
He removes what’s dead and replaces it with fresh, abundant life.

Seasons of growth that I believed would remain forever were only meant to be absorbed as lessons, 
only designed to bring me to the next level of understanding and freedom…
Intended to be consumed for the purpose of creating more:
something beautifully brand-new.

Sometimes it hurts when it’s time For Abba to remove what’s no longer holding the breath of His life,
but only He can see what’s coming next.
Only He can birth forth a fresh bud when it’s time.

And what’s dead will enrich me,
will teach me,
will be forever woven into my story.

He is Cultivating,

Will you let Him pluck what’s dead off of you? 


© Full Bloom Ministries

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