Partnering With Accountability and Confession

What is kept in the dark will remain as darkness. 

A decade in the darkness. A decade of shame. A decade of, “I can’t tell anyone”. And my bulimia thrived. You see, darkness and secrecy are where addictive cycles and sin flourish. Darkness… just like the one who they come from. 

The moment I told a close friend what I was truly going through is when I began to feel bulimia lose its grip from the noose it held around my neck. My little secret was exposed, and light was finally able to shine in. Like a weed sprayed with poison, it began to feel choked out… And each time it tried to spring up I would once again tell this friend. The times I didn’t confess to her were the times it seemed to creep back in more and more, eventually leading to relapse. 

This page is about my recovery and the freedom that Jesus has brought to me, but know that I still have hard days, weeks, and even seasons. What has kept me grounded in recovery is not only steadiness in my relationship and honestly with the Lord, but my outward expression of what I’m going through. There are still people I go to when I feel temped or overcome by the desire to go back to my old ways. And each time I confess to them, the weed killer of honesty and confession is sprayed upon that dark yearning. 

The enemy can no longer pull his dark curtain around my heart: it’s open and exposed; the burden is no longer only mine. 

Sometimes honesty and confession hurt… sometimes it’s scary… But it’s absolutely worth it. 

Find someone you trust to let into your inner workings and cycles!

“If you cover up your sin you’ll never do well. But if you confess your sins and forsake them, you will be kissed by mercy.”

Proverbs 28:13 TPT

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